Benefits of Open Education

Open education has brought about numerous benefits that would not have been possible had the world adhered to the conventional location-based textbook definition of education.

Following are some benefits of open education:

  • Faster Adaptability: With the introduction of open education, children adapt to technology, flexibility, time management, and machine learning at a much younger age.
  • Inclusiveness: For hundreds of years, marginalized communities, racially-discriminated groups, people with varying sexual and gender orientation have not been provided access to quality and prompt education. This has changed after the traction gained by online learning or open education.
  • Freedom to choose: People can switch between courses or stop a course altogether if they do not like the content of the course. Similarly, students can pursue multiple subjects in differing streams, like physics and music, home economics and literature, and more interactive combinations.
  • Reduction of cost: The cost of education is the most significant issue individuals face when pursuing higher education or going abroad for quality education. Not everyone can afford ivy-league degrees and courses. In the recent years of technological development, many ivy-league colleges like Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Columbia, and others have compiled some of their best degree courses and short courses, presenting them on online learning platforms like Coursera and EdX. This has allowed many to "Study at an Ivy-League College."
  • Stress on Skill Development: Focusing on developing skills should be the primary goal of every education system, but sadly, this is not always the case. Students have become more focused on completing their degree because of the cost factor and mediocre-quality education. With open education, students would be able to choose their goals efficiently without any pressure.
  • No Entry and Exit Barriers: A free entry and exit system should prevail in education as well. The ones who have to pursue courses should be the masters of their choice. In open education, there is no compulsion on choosing a specific course for specific fees. Many online education platforms provide valuable courses and degrees, free of cost. The only cost that you have to incur would be when you want a completion certificate.
  • Vision: The UNESCO in the Universal Declaration on Democracy in 1997 stated that education should be lifelong and not just a fundamental tool to obtain a degree because only lifelong education can nurture, sustain and strengthen democracy. It stresses the term "Flexible life-wide learning," which means that lifelong learning is the key to globalization and personal growth.


It would not be an exaggeration to equate education with human rights. Therefore, open education is the bridge that connects the scholarly with the underprivileged.

The facilitation of the exchange of knowledge between parties with common goals is made possible, and it directly contributes to the progress of humankind and humanity.


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Grand Rapids, MI 49503
United States of America